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OxyContin has taken the country by storm. While it has done amazing things for pain management, it has also created an entire wave of people who suffer from addiction-a number of whom never wanted to get "high" but only sought pain relief. The illegal possession of this prescription drug, also known by its generic name of oxycodone, can come with a heavy price. From fines to prison sentences, possessing just one or two pills can change your life forever. If you are caught in possession of this heavily abused opiate without a prescription, you will need to contact our Austin OxyContin possession lawyers as soon as possible.
Distribution Concerns and Minors
Unlike with other drugs, you don't have to be caught with a very large quantity of OxyContin for law enforcement officials to assume that you are distributing rather than just using the drug yourself. In such cases, they are especially concerned about distribution to minors. National surveys show that nearly 10 percent of children between twelve and seventeen years of age have used prescription opioids for nonmedical reasons. Contributing to this growing trend is the fact that prescription drugs are so readily available in a large number of American homes.
Dangers to Children
One of the biggest concerns when it comes to drugs and children lies in how drugs affect child development. When adults abuse drugs, they damage fully developed areas of their brain and other organs. Children can damage areas that aren't even fully grown or developed yet, leaving them impaired for life. This is why you face more severe penalties when you are caught with drugs near a school zone or if your possession charge involves minors.
Setting an Example to Stop OxyContin Abuse
OxyContin is one of the most abused prescription drugs in the United States. As a Schedule II controlled substance, being caught with this drug without a prescription could lead to serious legal penalties. Because the problem has become so widespread, the states, including Texas, sometimes do their best to make examples of offenders. The hope is that these examples will prevent other people from committing the same crimes. So even if it is your first offense, you may receive a stiffer penalty than you imagined both to discourage you from doing it again and to discourage others from following your lead. Because of this, it's important to have an attorney who can ensure you don't suffer consequences you don't deserve.
Treatment for OxyContin Addiction
Because OxyContin and its generic equivalent oxycodone are so highly addictive, the courts sometimes turn to therapy rather than incarceration. However, if your charge is related to distribution rather than possession, it may not be easy to get the court to consider this option. Additionally, the court won't be interested in spending the state's money on treatment for people who aren't serious about rehabilitation, so it's important to make it clear that beating the addiction really is your goal.
Any kind of criminal charge is difficult to manage. Charges involving possession of OxyContin and oxycodone can permanently change your life and follow you around forever. This is just one reason that an experienced Austin OxyContin possession lawyer is necessary for a successful outcome to your case.
Call our on-call attorney now to discuss your case now.
No matter how complex your charges may seem, you can have peace of mind knowing our legal team is behind you. You aren’t in this battle alone. Get our Austin criminal attorneys on your side today.