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We are proven Criminal Defense Attorneys in Austin, Texas with outstanding track records.

Computer crimes have always been serious, even in the late 70s when they were seen for the first time. Now, high-speed data and the technology needed to perpetrate Internet crimes have become accessible to nearly everyone, making this a high priority category of crimes. Unfortunately, the nature of these crimes also makes it easy for an honest mistake or misunderstanding to devastate a person's or business' future.
The frequency with which people are accused of Internet crimes has grown substantially, and the punishments have become increasingly more severe. So if you are wondering "can I really be arrested for Internet crimes," the answer is a resounding "yes."
Internet Crimes Are Diverse
There are many ways for you to break the law on the Internet, and they are expanding and changing all the time. Computer crimes include breaching security, soliciting minors, and online impersonation, but the Internet can be involved in almost any white collar crime, as well. Fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion, money laundering, counterfeiting, extortion, bribery, cyber bullying, stalking, Fraud, and identity theft can all make use of the Internet.
Most of these crimes are classified as misdemeanors, but they can easily either escalate to felonies or multiple charges can stack to a lifetime of debt and imprisonment. Even if you only spend a short time in jail or prison, you will still have to carry that label on your record to every job interview and check that box on every application. Your fines can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars, and you may have to pay restitution to your accuser, making your financial stability a thing of the past.
What an Austin Internet Crimes Lawyer Can Do for You
The severity of the fines and the veracity of the prosecution of Internet crimes can be overwhelming for inexperienced defense lawyers, let alone a defendant who chooses to forego legal counsel.
At Hines & Holub, we have the experience to investigate your case and organize all of the facts to build the strongest case possible. We'll get any charges dismissed that can be or negotiate a plea deal if that becomes a viable option. We can break down every part of the process, explain your options, and guide you to the best resolution available.
Work with an Austin Internet Crimes Defense Lawyer
If you have been charged with Internet crimes, your choice is simple. You must defend yourself with every asset available, and one of them needs to be an Austin Internet crimes defense lawyer from Hines & Holub. Together we can keep your future bright and make the court process much less stressful.
Give us a call at 512-472-6565 or complete the form below to schedule a free and confidential legal consultation at your convenience. Do not plead guilty or take on the legal system without help. Prosecutors are professionals with pride on their side and you need the same on yours.
Call our on-call attorney now to discuss your case now.
No matter how complex your charges may seem, you can have peace of mind knowing our legal team is behind you. You aren’t in this battle alone. Get our Austin criminal attorneys on your side today.